Pardo López, Angélica María

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    Obstáculos que impiden la materialización del derecho a la salud de las personas privadas de la libertad en Colombia
    (Bogotá : Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2017., 2017-10) Pardo López, Angélica María; Gutiérrez Quevedo, Marcela; Moncayo Albornoz, Ana Lucía
    The critical health condition of the incarcerated people in Colombia is widely diagnosed. In spite of that, this problem has not been solved through the years. The inmates’ right to health suffers because the regrettable life and hygienic conditions inside prisons, which are unavoidably generated by the State’s inability to take charge of a so huge prison population. As part of this inability and making worse things, there is a very defective health assistance inside facilities. The features, current ways of facing the problem and proposal to solve it are treated in this article.